Monday 16 May 2011

Week 4 in Japan...its going so quick.

the highs and lows of japanese dinning...rice flour sweets and sweet bean paste, pigs feet, omlettey ricey thing, raw egg and rice thing, pizza toast pot noodley thing, amazing ice creams and flabby chewy skin fat meat....mmm!
Our landlady loves ichi-ban flower arranging, she does some herself and took us again to another show...its pretty cool they bend the flowers over time i think into shapes and hold them together with these delicate attachments...but after a while theres only so many flowers you can look at before they all start to look the same...

We went to a nearby city called Gifu which still practices the thousands of years old Ukai fishing technique of using birds to navigate where the fish are at night. Very beautiful. We met a really nice family and lone behold were sat next to a Buddhist monk, lovely!

Millie does printmaking and she showed me how to do wood cut printing on japanese paper. Just a few experiments...
Feedback from my photograph magnets at the Brighton Magnetic Art Exhibition May 2011-

1 comment:

  1. btw i think the flower arranging is called 'ikebana' :)
    'ichi-ban' is 'the best'/'the most...'

